Our School

Early years


Early years consist of infant school and pre-school. In the Early years, our focus is on the following learning and development areas:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development is about how your child is confident and self-assured; manages feeling and behaviour; makes friends, shares and takes turns.

Communication and Language is about how your child listens and pays attention; understands what is being said; communicates with others, develops vocabulary and speech.

Literacy is about how your child enjoys reading books; learns to write; starts to explore phonics and letter.

Mathematics is about how your child learns numbers and counting; explores measure, space, shapes, etc during play.

Understanding the World is about how your child finds out about nature and the world around them; learns to confidently use ICT equipment.

Physical Development is about how your child moves and uses gross motor skills; develops fine motor skills; learns about healthy living; etc.

Expressive art and design is about how your child Enjoys being creative using colours; sings, dances and makes music.

Abacus Mental maths: Children are introduced to fingerithmetic and the ancient Japanese Abacus (Soroban) at age 3. This helps children establish strong math skills and speed while solving simple sums. Working with abacus enables children use both the left and right side of the brain.


Infant School

Our infant school nurtures babies to two year olds. Here your sweet one will have a wealth of opportunity to observe, explore and play in a new home of safety, fun and comfort. Your child receives tender supervision and support while enthusiastically making new discoveries; building self-confidence and being challenged in the most natural and unusual ways. There will be ample opportunities for children to safely broaden their abilities through child-initiated and teacher-directed activities.

Infant school is made up of

Shimmers (3 months – 12 months); Twinkle class (12 months – 24 months) and glitters (24 months – 36 months).



Here accommodates and assures three year olds to five year olds of loving care and personal attention while our learning system helps them build an active mind via communication; healthy physical bodies via large motor skills etc. These natural explorers and detectives are constantly asking questions and investigating their surroundings. Curiosity is the order of the day for them and our teachers are prepared to partner with you to build your child’s curiosity while nurturing your child’s desire to learn.

The Timeless Discovery teacher provides exciting learning activities and experiences to help your child develop the skills needed for a happy and rewarding future in the primary class. Nothing prepares your child for success in primary school and beyond like a strong preschool experience where academic and social development goes along side with physical well-being and creative expression.

Preschool consist of sparkles class (3 years- 4 years) and glimmers class ( 4 years – 5 years)

Primary School

The primary classes build on the skills developed in the early years, while creating pathways for more skills in problem solving, decision making, communication skills, collaborative learning, good character traits and more. Our integrated primary curriculum is a fusion of the strength of the Nigerian curriculum and findings from a few international curricula in core subjects (Mathematics, English and Science). Children progress from fingerithmetic in preschool to Anzan in Abacus Mental maths. Greater attention span and enhanced memory; number confidence and strong math skills; improved concentration and focus are some rewards of abacus. Working with abacus enables children use both the left and right side of the brain.

Primary classes are grouped into:

Lower primary – year 1-2

Upper primary – year 3-6